There is a place for your children at Countryside!
Nursery care is available during all of our services (except for the 6:00 PM Sunday Evening service) for children up to three years old.  Our nursery is clean and staffed by friendly, caring ladies.
During the Sunday Morning Worship Service, children ages four and above learn about God and the Bible in Children’s Church.
Each nursery and children’s volunteer has gone through a background check to ensure the safety of your children.

The Teen Connection Group meets on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM. This group is led by Lance and Rebekah Leach.

Every few months, the ladies get together for a time of fellowship and encouragement.
Every few months, the men have an opportunity to sharpen and encourage one another at our men’s dinner fellowships.
These fellowships are a fun time of conversation around a good meal, prayer for our church, and sharing with each other what God is doing in our lives.
Other Ministries 
There are numerous places for you to serve and get involved in here at Countryside Baptist!

Children’s Ministry

Children’s Classes
Children’s Church


Music Ministry
Vocal Specials
Church Service Ministry
Welcome team
Helps Ministry
Visiting Shut-ins, Widows
Assisted Living Ministry
Maintenance Ministry
Building Maintenance
Church Cleaning
Outreach Ministry 
Saturation Saturdays
Service Projects
Orlando Union Rescue Mission